Selasa, 07 Juni 2011


IN 1939,


Acheh - Sumatra

Dr Ali Shariati lahir di Mazinan, pinggiran kota Masyhad, Iran. Ia menyelesaikan seko lah dasar dan menengahnya di Masyhad. Pada tahun-tahun di Guru's Training College, ia datang membuat kontak dengan pemuda yang berasal dari strata ekonomi masya rakat bawah dan merasakan kemiskinan dan kesulitan yang ada.

Pada usia delapan belas tahun, ia mulai sebagai guru dan sejak menjadi mahasiswa serta guru. Setelah lulus dari perguruan tinggi pada tahun 1960, ia mendapat  beasis wa,  ia mengejar studi pascasarjana di Perancis. Dr Shariati, seorang mahasiswa ke hormatan, menerima gelar doktor dalam bidang sosiologi pada tahun 1964 dari Uni versitas Sorbonne.

Ketika ia kembali ke Iran ia ditangkap di perbatasan dan dipenjarakan dengan dalih bahwa ia telah berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan politik selama belajar di Perancis. Dirilis pada tahun 1965, ia mulai mengajar lagi di Universitas Masyhad. Sebagai seorang so siolog muslim, ia berusaha untuk menjelaskan masalah masyarakat Muslim dalam te rang-menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip Islam mereka dan mendiskusikan mereka dengan murid-muridnya. Sangat segera dia mendapatkan popularitas dengan siswa dan ke las sosial yang berbeda di Iran. Untuk alasan ini, rezim merasa berkewajiban untuk menghentikan program di universitas.

Kemudian ia dipindahkan ke Teheran. Di sana, Dr Syari'ati melanjutkan karir yang sa ngat aktif dan cemerlang. Kuliahnya di Houssein-e-Irsyad Institut Agama tidak hanya menarik enam ribu mahasiswa yang terdaftar di kelas musim panas tetapi juga ba nyak, ribuan orang dari berbagai latar belakang yang terpesona oleh ajarannya.

Edisi pertama bukunya sangat laris, lebih dari enam puluh ribu eksemplar yang cepat terjual habis, meskipun gangguan obstruktif oleh otoritas di Iran. Dihadapkan dengan keberhasilan yang luar biasa dari program Dr Shariati's, polisi Iran mengelilingi Hous sein-e-Irsyad Institute, menangkap banyak pengikutnya dan dengan demikian menga khiri aktivitasnya. Untuk kedua kalinya, ia menjalani delapan belas bulan penjara  da lam kondisi sangat keras. Melalui tekanan yang sangat Populer dan protes internasi onal, pihak yang berwajib rezim Iran, melepaskan Dr Shariati pada tanggal 20 Maret 1975. Namun, ia tetap berada di bawah pengawasan ketat oleh agen keamanan Iran. Ini bukan kebebasan sama sekali karena ia tidak bisa menerbitkan pikirannya atau menghubungi murid-muridnya. Dalam kondisi menyesakkan tersebut sesuai dengan ajaran dari Quran dan Sunnah Nabi Muhammad saww, ia menyadari bahwa ia harus bermigrasi ke luar negeri. Sukses dalam usahanya, ia pergi ke Inggris, tetapi menja   di martir tiga minggu kemudian pada 19 Juni 1977 oleh SAVAK yang memata-matai dimana-mana.

Dr Shariati belajar dan berpengalaman sekolah filsafat, teologi dan sosial banyak pe mikiran dalam pandangan Islam. Orang bisa mengatakan bahwa dia adalah seorang Muhajir Muslim yang bangkit dari kedalaman lautan mistisisme timur, naik ke puncak gunung hebat ilmu sosial barat, namun tidak kewalahan, dan ia kembali ke tengah-te ngah kita dengan segala perhiasan dan perjalanan yang fantastis.

Dia bukan seorang fanatik reaksioner yang menentang sesuatu yang baru tanpa pe ngetahuan apapun, juga ia bukan dari kaum intelektual yang disebut kebarat-baratan yang meniru barat tanpa penilaian independen. Pengetahuan tentang kondisi dan ke kuatan waktu, ia memulai kebangkitan Islam dengan pencerahan massa, khususnya pemuda. Dia percaya bahwa jika elemen masyarakat memiliki iman yang benar, me reka benar-benar akan mendedikasikan diri mereka sendiri dan menjadi elemen ak   tif dan Mujahid yang akan memberikan segala hal termasuk kehidupan mereka-untuk cita-cita mereka.

Dr Shariati terus berjuang untuk menciptakan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan pada generasi muda, generasi yang nilainya telah dirusak dengan bantuan metode yang paling ilmiah dan teknis. Dia penuh semangat mencoba untuk memperkenalkan kembali sejarah al Quran dan Islam untuk remaja sehingga mereka dapat menemukan jati diri mereka di semua dimensi manusia dan melawan semua kekuatan masyarakat dekaden.

Dr Shariati menulis banyak buku. Dalam semua tulisan-tulisannya, ia mencoba untuk menyajikan gambaran yang jelas dan asli Islam. Dia sangat percaya bahwa jika gene rasi intelektual dan baru menyadari kebenaran iman ini, upaya ke arah perubahan so sial akan sukses.

A Brief Biography of

Dr. Ali Shariati

Dr. Ali Shariati was born in Mazinan, a suburb of Mashhad, Iran. He completed his elementary and high school in Mashhad. In his years at the Teacher's Training College, he came into contact with youth who were from the lower economic strata of the society and tasted the poverty and hardship that existed.

At the age of eighteen, he started as a teacher and ever since had been a student as well as a teacher. After graduating from college in 1960, on a scholarship he pursued graduate studies in France. Dr. Shariati, an honor student, received his doctorate in sociology in 1964 from Sorbonne University.

When he returned to Iran he was arrested at the border and imprisoned on the pretext that he had participated in political activities while studying in France. Released in 1965, he began teaching again at Mashhad University. As a Muslim sociologist, he sought to explain the problems of Muslim societies in the light of Islamic principles-explaining them and discussing them with his students. Very soon he gained popularity with the students and different social classes in Iran. For this reason, the regime felt obliged to discontinue his courses at the university.

Then he was transferred to Teheran. There, Dr. Shariati continued his very active and brilliant career. His lectures at Houssein-e-Ershad Religious Institute attracted not only six thousand students who registered in his summer classes, but also many thousands of people from different backgrounds who were fascinated by his teachings.

The first edition of his book ran over sixty thousand copies which were quickly sold-out, despite the obstructive interference by the authorities in Iran. Faced with the outstanding success of Dr. Shariati's courses, the Iranian police surrounded Houssein-e-Ershad Institute, arrested many of his followers and thereby put an end to his activities. For the second time, he underwent an eighteen month prison term under extremely harsh conditions. Popular pressure and international protests obliged the Iranian regime to release Dr. Shariati on March 20, 1975. However, he remained under close surveillance by the security agents of Iran. This was no freedom at all since he could neither publish his thoughts nor contact his students. Under such stifling conditions according to the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), he realized that he should migrate out of the country. Successful in his attempt, he went to England but was martyred three weeks later on June 19, 1977 by the ubiquitous SAVAK.

Dr. Shariati studied and experienced many philosophical, theological and social schools of thought with an Islamic view. One could say that he was a Muslim Muhajir who rose from the depth of the ocean of eastern mysticism, ascended to the heights of the formidable mountains of western social sciences, yet was not overwhelmed, and he returned to our midst with all the jewels of this fantastic voyage.

He was neither a reactionary fanatic who opposed anything that was new without any knowledge nor was he of the so-called westernized intellectuals who imitated the west without independent judgment.
Knowledgeable about the conditions and forces of his time, he began his Islamic revival with enlightenment of the masses, particularly the youth. He believed that if these elements of the society had true faith, they would totally dedicate themselves and become active and Mujahid elements who would give every thing including their lives-for their ideals.

Dr. Shariati constantly fought to create humanitarian values in the young generation, a generation whose values have been defaced with the help of the most scientific and technical methods. He vigorously tried to re-introduce the Quran and Islamic history to the youth so that they may find their true selves in all their human dimensions and fight all the decadent societal forces.

Dr. Shariati wrote many books. In all his writings, he tried to present a clear and genuine picture of Islam. He strongly believed that if the intellectual and new generation realized the truth of this faith, attempts toward social change would be successful.

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