Acheh - Sumatra
Hemat saya sedekah itu berfungsi sebagai darurat sebelum terbentuknya System Redha Allah. Apabila system redha Allah sudah terbentuk seperti Republik Islam Iran yang produktif, sedekah tidak diperlukan lagi. Pemerintahlah yang lebih efektif dan tepat guna untuk memberantas kemiskinan. Apabila rakyat yang miskin dicukupkan oleh negara hingga tidak lagi termasuk pihak yang miskin, mereka tidak merasa minder sebagaimana mereka menerima sedekah dari orang kaya. Ketika Negara yang memberikannya kecukupan, sesungguhnya hak mereka sendiri, buka pemberian pribadi orang kaya. Logikanya kekayaan negara adalah milik rakyat bukan milik penguasa dan segenap aparatnya.
Renungkanlah kenapa keturunan Rasulullah diharamkan menerima sedekah (maaf ada yang bilang sedekah itu adalah "najis"). Namun ketika system Islam belum terbentuk, para fakir miskin terpaksa makan "najis". Kalau terpaksa, daging babi pun halal dimakan, bukan? Kemudian renungkan pula hadist Nabi suci: "Tangan di atas lebih mulia dari tangan di bawah". Lalu kata Imam Ali as:" Berikanlah sesuatu kepada seseorang sebelum dia memintanya, sebab bila engkau menunggu ketika dia memintanya berarti dia telah mengorbankan sesuatu yang lebih berharga daripada pemberianmu". Justeru itu pemimpin bertanggung jawab kepada Allah untuk merubah status kaum mustadhafin kepada kaum yang terhormat. Kesimpulannya tidak ada lagi istilah sedekah ketika negara sudah makmur macam RII. Kami di Norwegia saja tidak ada lagi istilah orang miskin. Semua penduduk menggapai finansialnya, apalagi di RII, bukan?
Adapun program Imam Khomaini yang masih dijalankan melalui pancangan "kotak-kotak besi" di hampir semua kota tetap diperlukan untuk membantu kaum mustadhafin di negara-negara yang belum exist system Ilahi dan bahkan hasil dari setoran orangø-orang yang murah hati itu bukan saja untuk kaum mustadhafin yang beragama Islam tetapi juga untuk kaum mustadhafin non Islam. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa orang Islam bersaudara dengan mereka secara kemanusiaan. Musuh kita orang Islam bukan orang non Islam, melainkan kaum despotik dan hypocrite, apapun agama yang mereka akui. (Angku di Tampok Donja)
Islam Telah Memberikan Jalan Keluar untuk Memberantas Kemiskinan
Senin, 2012 Maret 05 21:11
Hujjatul Islam Ja'fari Niya menjelaskan posisi infak dalam Islam dengan menyinggung pengaruh lahiriyah dan batin dari amal sedekah dan mengatakan, "Hal yang menghancurkan pahala sedekah adalah pamer."
Dikatakannya, "Guna memberantas kemiskinan dalam masyarakat, terdapat banyak cara. Pertama bahwa Islam telah menyebutkan seluruh masalah yang diakibatkan oleh kemiskinan dalam masyarakat dan individu, baik dari sisi keamanan atau ancaman terhadap keimanan seseorang."
"Banyak riwayat yang menyebutkan dampak buruk dari kemiskinan dalam kehidupan individu, sosial, dan bahkan budaya dalam Islam. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini Islam telah menyiapkan dua program prinsip. Islam menekankan kerja dan upaya sebagai solusi utama dalam memberantas kemiskinan dan bahkan dalam riwayat Rasulullah Saw disebutkan bahwa upaya untuk kesejahteraan keluarga sama seperti berjihad."
Dikatakannya, "Islam selain menekankan kerja keras, juga mendorong golongan kaya dalam masyarakat untuk berinvestasi dan menciptakan lapangan kerja, yang ini adalah merupakan salah satu program prinsip. Adapun program segera dalam pemberantasan kemiskinan adalah sedekah dan zakat. Selain zakat yang diwajibkan dalam Islam juga ditekankan masalah sedekah yang mustahab."
Menyinggung bahwa dana zakat dibelanjakan di jalan Allah ataufii sabilillah, Jafari Niya menegaskan, "Makna dari fii sabilillahadalah dalam amal yang diridhoi oleh Allah Swt dan pengadaan lapangan kerja merupakan salah satu di antaranya. Dalam al-Quran disebutkan,
و فی اموالهم حق للسائل و المحروم"
Bahwa dalam harta kalian terdapat hak miskin yang meminta (pengemis) dan hak orang mahrum (orang miskin yang tidak meminta-minta). Dan berdasarkan ayat tersebut orang-orang miskin memiliki bagian dalam harta orang kaya, dan jika orang-orang kaya itu ingin memberikan bagian orang miskin itu, mereka dapat memberikannya secara langsung atau melakukan program-program prinsip seperti pengadaan lapangan kerja."
Hujjatul Islam Jafari Niya lebih lanjut menjelaskan bahwa Islam mencela kemalasan dan bahwa pada suatu hari Rasulullah Saw mencium tangan seorang buruh dan berkata bahwa neraka jahannam diharamkan untuk tangan ini (tangan buruh itu). (IRIB Indonesia/MZ)
In essence, IT IS BELONGS TO THE WORLD BY pembendaharaan kept away from the despotic regime.
Acheh - Sumatra
In my opinion it serves as an emergency alms before the formation System Redha Allah. If the system redha God has been formed as the Islamic Republic of Iran productive, charity is not needed anymore. Government that is more effective and appropriate in order to eradicate poverty. When the people who are poor paid back by the state to no longer include those who are poor, they do not feel inferior as they receive alms from the rich. When the State it sufficiency, indeed their own right, open the personal giving of the rich. Logically wealth of the country belongs to the people not belonging to the authorities and all agents.
Ponder why descendant of the Prophet are forbidden to accept charity (alms some say sorry it was "unclean"). But when the Islamic system is not established, the poor are forced to eat "unclean". If he had, the pork was halal to eat, is not it? Then ponder too sacred hadith of the Prophet: "The upper hand is nobler than hand down". Then Imam Ali said: "Give something to someone before he asked for it, because if you wait when she asked him means he has sacrificed something more valuable than the gift". Indeed, the leaders are accountable to God to change the status of mustadhafin to the honorable. In conclusion there is no longer a term alms when countries are prosperous sorts RII. We in Norway alone is no longer the term of the poor. All residents of their financial reach, especially in Sight, is not it?
The program Imam Khomaini which is still run by the stakes in a "checkerboard iron" in almost all cities are still needed to help the mustadhafin in countries which do not exist system Divine and even the results of the deposit Orango who are generous not only to the mustadhafin Muslim but also to the non-Islamic mustadhafin. As we know that Muslims brothers with their humanity. Our enemy is not the non-Muslims to Islam, but the despotic and Hypocrite, whatever religion they claim. (Angku in Tampok Donja)
Had Islam Gives Way Out to Combat Poverty
Monday, 2012 March 05 21:11
Hujjatul Islam Ja'fari Niya explain infak position in Islam by alluding to the influence of the inner lahiriyah and charitable alms and say, "This is destroying the reward alms is showing off."
He said, "In order to eradicate poverty in the community, there are a lot of ways. The first is that Islam has been mentioned throughout the serious problems caused by poverty in the community and the individual, both in terms of security or threat to one's faith."
"A lot of history that says the adverse effects of poverty in the lives of individual, social, and even cultural in Islam. To resolve this problem Islam had set up two program principles. Islam emphasizes the work and effort as the main solution to eradicate poverty and even in the history of the Holy Prophet mentioned that efforts for the welfare of the family as jihad. "
He said, "Islam besides stressing hard work, it also encourages the rich in society to invest and create jobs, which is one of the program principles. The program immediately in the eradication of poverty is charity and charity. In addition to zakat obligatory in Islam also emphasized alms mustahab problem. "
Alluding to that charity funds are spent in the way of Allah ataufii sabilillah, Niya Jafari asserted, "The Meaning of FII sabilillahadalah in charity blessed by Allah and the provision of employment opportunities is one of them. In the Koran mentioned,
و فی اموالهم حق للسائل و المحروم "
That the property you are asking for the rights of poor (beggars) and the rights of mahrum (the poor are not begging). And based on the verse poor people had a part in the wealth of the rich, and if the rich people that want to give part of the poor, they can give directly or carry out programs such as procurement principles of employment. "
Hujjatul Islam Jafari Niya further explains that Islam denounces laziness and that one day the Prophet kissing the hand of a worker and said that hell Hell is forbidden to hand (the hand labor that). (IRIB Indonesia / MZ)
Kita heran kenapa hujjatulislam itu tidak berguru pada nabi Yusuf, cara menghilangkan kemiskinan macam di video berikut ini:
In essence, IT IS BELONGS TO THE WORLD BY pembendaharaan kept away from the despotic regime.
Acheh - Sumatra
In my opinion it serves as an emergency alms before the formation System Redha Allah. If the system redha God has been formed as the Islamic Republic of Iran productive, charity is not needed anymore. Government that is more effective and appropriate in order to eradicate poverty. When the people who are poor paid back by the state to no longer include those who are poor, they do not feel inferior as they receive alms from the rich. When the State it sufficiency, indeed their own right, open the personal giving of the rich. Logically wealth of the country belongs to the people not belonging to the authorities and all agents.
Ponder why descendant of the Prophet are forbidden to accept charity (alms some say sorry it was "unclean"). But when the Islamic system is not established, the poor are forced to eat "unclean". If he had, the pork was halal to eat, is not it? Then ponder too sacred hadith of the Prophet: "The upper hand is nobler than hand down". Then Imam Ali said: "Give something to someone before he asked for it, because if you wait when she asked him means he has sacrificed something more valuable than the gift". Indeed, the leaders are accountable to God to change the status of mustadhafin to the honorable. In conclusion there is no longer a term alms when countries are prosperous sorts RII. We in Norway alone is no longer the term of the poor. All residents of their financial reach, especially in Sight, is not it?
The program Imam Khomaini which is still run by the stakes in a "checkerboard iron" in almost all cities are still needed to help the mustadhafin in countries which do not exist system Divine and even the results of the deposit Orango who are generous not only to the mustadhafin Muslim but also to the non-Islamic mustadhafin. As we know that Muslims brothers with their humanity. Our enemy is not the non-Muslims to Islam, but the despotic and Hypocrite, whatever religion they claim. (Angku in Tampok Donja)
Had Islam Gives Way Out to Combat Poverty
Monday, 2012 March 05 21:11
Hujjatul Islam Ja'fari Niya explain infak position in Islam by alluding to the influence of the inner lahiriyah and charitable alms and say, "This is destroying the reward alms is showing off."
He said, "In order to eradicate poverty in the community, there are a lot of ways. The first is that Islam has been mentioned throughout the serious problems caused by poverty in the community and the individual, both in terms of security or threat to one's faith."
"A lot of history that says the adverse effects of poverty in the lives of individual, social, and even cultural in Islam. To resolve this problem Islam had set up two program principles. Islam emphasizes the work and effort as the main solution to eradicate poverty and even in the history of the Holy Prophet mentioned that efforts for the welfare of the family as jihad. "
He said, "Islam besides stressing hard work, it also encourages the rich in society to invest and create jobs, which is one of the program principles. The program immediately in the eradication of poverty is charity and charity. In addition to zakat obligatory in Islam also emphasized alms mustahab problem. "
Alluding to that charity funds are spent in the way of Allah ataufii sabilillah, Niya Jafari asserted, "The Meaning of FII sabilillahadalah in charity blessed by Allah and the provision of employment opportunities is one of them. In the Koran mentioned,
و فی اموالهم حق للسائل و المحروم "
That the property you are asking for the rights of poor (beggars) and the rights of mahrum (the poor are not begging). And based on the verse poor people had a part in the wealth of the rich, and if the rich people that want to give part of the poor, they can give directly or carry out programs such as procurement principles of employment. "
Hujjatul Islam Jafari Niya further explains that Islam denounces laziness and that one day the Prophet kissing the hand of a worker and said that hell Hell is forbidden to hand (the hand labor that). (IRIB Indonesia / MZ)
Kita heran kenapa hujjatulislam itu tidak berguru pada nabi Yusuf, cara menghilangkan kemiskinan macam di video berikut ini:
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